Keep Your Hearing Crisp With These Three Easy Tips

A group of people enjoying fireworks while protecting their hearing. The fireworks are colorful and bright, and they fill the sky with a sense of excitement and joy.

Isn’t pizza cool? As long as it meets a few standard criteria (crust, sauce, cheese, etc.) whatever the toppings, it’s still pizza. Hearing loss is also like this. Symptoms and manifestations are a consequence of many different issues – loud noises, genetic factors, age, ear blockages – but as long as you have trouble hearing sounds, it’s still hearing loss.

Stopping the damage is normally the first thing to do when you begin to notice hearing loss. This is just one simple measure you can take to protect your hearing from further harm.

Tip 1: Keep your ears clean

Did you clean behind your ears? It’s one of those original hygiene instructions you learn (or should have learned), right? But with regards to the health of your hearing, it’s the inner ear, not behind the ears, that we’re interested in.

Keeping your ears clear of wax buildups can help your hearing in numerous different ways:

  • Your brain and your ability to interpret sounds can be impacted over time by untreated hearing loss.
  • Untidy ears increase your chances of developing an ear infection, which causes inflammation that, when severe enough, impedes your ability to hear. Your normal hearing will usually return when then the infection clears up.
  • Sound waves will have a harder time reaching your inner ear if you have substantial buildup. Your hearing becomes compromised as a result.
  • If you use hearing aids, earwax will also impede their operation. If this occurs you may think that your hearing is getting even worse.

If you notice earwax buildup, it’s absolutely not suggested that you dig around in there with a cotton swab. Cotton swabs can push the earwax further up into the ear canal and can trigger even more harm. You can buy earwax removal drops over-the-counter at your local drugstore which work better and are safer than swabs.

Tip 2: Loud noise that could lead to hearing loss should be avoided

This one is so intuitive it almost doesn’t need to be on this list. But defining what comprises “loud sound” isn’t easy for most individuals. There are many dangers to your hearing in day-to-day life and that includes things as common as driving on a loud freeway every day over long periods. The motor on your lawnmower can be very taxing on your ears as well. And, be careful to protect your hearing during those 4th of July fireworks!

Some useful ways to steer clear of damaging noises include:

  • When decibel levels get too high, you can use an app on your phone to alert you.
  • Using ear protection when noisy environments are unavoidable. If you want to go to a loud rock concert or if you work in a noisy factory that’s fine but remember your hearing protection. You can get enough protection from modern earplugs and earmuffs.
  • When you’re watching movies or listening to tunes, keep the headphone volume down. When you’re listening at harmful levels, most phones have built-in alerts.

So if you go to a loud event and your hearing feels fine after, that doesn’t mean it is, because hearing loss is usually a gradual progression. Only a hearing specialist can let you know if you have hearing loss.

Tip 3: If you have any hearing loss, have it treated

Hearing loss typically builds over time. So you’ll be better able to avoid further damage if you catch it early. That’s why treatment is very important when it comes to restricting hearing loss. Effective treatments (on which you follow through) will leave your hearing in the best possible condition.

Treatment works like this:

  • Mental strain, social withdrawal, and other hearing loss-related health issues can be prevented by hearing aids.
  • We will give you customized instructions and advice to help you avoid further damage to your ears.
  • Some, but not all damage can be avoided by hearing aids. For instance, hearing aids will stop you from turning your television volume up so loud it harms your ears. Hearing can prevent further deterioration of your hearing by preventing this type of damage.

Minimize hearing loss – it will benefit you in the long run

Treatment is one of the principal ways to prevent hearing loss despite the fact that there is no cure. Treating your hearing loss properly will prevent additional damage while maintaining your present level of hearing.

When you use hearing protection, practice good hygiene, and pursue hearing loss treatment with a hearing specialist, you’re taking the proper measures to limit hearing loss while also giving yourself the best opportunity for healthy hearing in the years to come!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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