When is it Time to Upgrade my Hearing Aid?

When is it Time to Upgrade my Hearing Aid?

While it could be true that older hearing aids are better than nothing, it’s likely that what small advantage you get from them may be costly. Within the past few years, hearing aid technology has made significant developments. A decade ago many of the features of modern hearing aids weren’t even on the drawing board, […]

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The History of Hearing Aids

The History of Hearing Aids

When it comes to history, there are three distinct types of individuals: those who are very interested and fascinated by history, those whose eyes glaze over and they begin to fall asleep when history is mentioned, and people who believe that aliens are responsible for history. The history of hearing aids isn’t about aliens (sorry […]

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If You want to Enjoy Your Life, Keep that Hearing Aid Switched on!

Even if you have an active, healthy lifestyle, you could experience hearing loss and specific cognitive challenges as you get older. And scientists have found a strong link between the two that shouldn’t be dismissed and it will help if you don’t switch that hearing aid off. People with neglected hearing loss are two times […]

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Should Musicians Wear Ear Protection?

Should Musicians Wear Ear Protection?

Musicians are cool! Their shows bring us so much enjoyment. But music is so much more powerful when it’s loud, and that can be a hearing risk. Since musicians subject themselves to loud music frequently, their hearing is at greater risk of being harmed. Whether your living depends on music or not, you’ll still want […]

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$20,000 – or More – a Year? Just for Wearing a Hearing Aid?

$20,000 – or More – a Year? Just for Wearing a Hearing Aid?

Have you avoided the calls from friends, family, and co-workers to finally invest in a hearing aid? Are you feeling that presently you really don’t need a hearing aid or that you’re not missing enough to justify purchasing one? Even if you feel like you’re doing just fine right now, your hearing loss could catch […]

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Hearing Aids – Top Ten Benefits

Hearing Aids – Top Ten Benefits

Even when it’s somewhat mild, hearing loss can have a huge impact on your life. There will be a dramatic change in the way you interact with loved ones, friends, and coworkers. Everyday activities like going to the grocery store can grow more challenging. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be all doom and […]

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Hearing Aids Are Not “One Size Fits All”, This is Why

Hearing Aids Are Not “One Size Fits All”, This is Why

No two cases of hearing loss are identical You should not expect your experience with hearing loss to be precisely the same as somebody else who might have the same hearing loss condition. No two instances of hearing loss are precisely the same. While you might be able to relate to someone else with hearing […]

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Hearing Aid Domes: The Pros and Cons

Hearing Aid Domes: The Pros and Cons

After months (possibly even years) of waiting, you’ve finally decided to give us a call to see if you need hearing aids. Like many, you’ve been resisting this. But the inconvenience, the lost moments, the missing conversations, they all finally became too hard to ignore. So when you do finally come in and then you […]

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Can Hearing Loss Make You Sensitive to Loud Sounds?

Can Hearing Loss Make You Sensitive to Loud Sounds?

You know that it can be challenging to get your partner’s attention if they have untreated hearing loss. First, you try to say their name. “Greg”, you say, but you used a normal, indoor volume level, so you get nothing. You try saying Greg’s name a bit louder and still no reply. So you resort […]

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